“I am the way, and the truth, and the life...” – John 14:6
A Church body that
boldly proclaims and
lives the way of Jesus,
praises His holy name
through hymns and prayer and
teaches sound biblical theology.
VISION ~ Follow the Way, Speak the Truth, Share the Life

Pastor Terry Amann has pastored churches in New Jersey and Iowa for almost 27 years. Currently he is pastor at Church of the Way in Des Moines, Iowa. In addition to church ministry, he has served as a chaplain in prison, county jails, and juvenile detention centers for 10 years in Illinois and Iowa. Pastor Terry Amann is married to his wife Susan, and they have three daughters and two granddaughters.
He earned his B.S. in Political Science from the University of South Dakota. He attended Princeton, Gettysburg, and McCormick Seminaries and earned a Masters of Divinity degree from the latter. Pastor Terry also pursued graduate studies in Political Science at Roosevelt University in Chicago. He is the author of two books, Wednesdays with Barry; and Ice Time: The Game of Hockey and a Journey of Faith. When Pastor Terry is away from the church, he is often on the mission field, playing hockey, or riding a motorcycle. He is actively involved in pro-life advocacy in Iowa and nationwide.